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18 July 2015
I said a while back that I’m not going to get involved in politics threads; I’ve never seen them end well (where I’ve been concerned.)

That said, that caveat aired, yes I’ll be voting tomorrow.

I always vote. I think it’s important - for me; I regard it as part of the social contract… for me.

I don’t, however, subscribe to most of the ‘Oh, you have to vote, because… ’ reasons offered; I don’t think any of the standard reasons stand up to a moment’s sensible scrutiny. (To take one example, ‘if you don’t vote, you can’t complain’. Unfettered bollocks; one could equally suggest it’s those who took part who shouldn’t complain about the result/consequences.)

So, yes. I’ll be voting. I always vote. The only vote I missed was my very first - I was at uni, and hadn’t bothered to register while there. And I had exams coming up, so wasn’t going to pop back to my parents’ place in Luton to vote.

So, yes, I’ll be voting. Who for? Ah, now that’s an entirely different question, and I refer you to the first line above. x
Who :D
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Deleted member 13437

I’m kidding. I used to smoke and get treated like shit by non smokers but they wouldn’t move, I would and respect them. I don’t smoke now but choose not to hang out with smokers so why couldn’t they do the same. Horses for courses in it :D
I need a fag :eek:
I know you were..
1 September 2018
The job of the politician is not to do as said by me or my neighbour or someone who has 180 degree opposite view.'s to have a dialogue about what is right and what isn't and reason with the constituents (As its done in the regular surgery for the MP's or MEPs or councillors). As long as they can reason with any member of their constituency without being patronizing, I would buy their arguments even if their view if diametrically opposite of mine.
But the job of the politician is not to listen to what a majority of the population want or ask for and then say NO I know better and I get to decide. If so we would end up with a dictatorship, why is their opinion worth more than the majority of the population they are supposed to serve.

Finally, not having a backstop will violate the Good Friday agreement and nullifying the good friday agreement is not going to make Irish happy.
The good friday agreement that saw the release from prison and pardoning of countless murderers and terrorists in exchange for the decommissioning of all weapons and cessation of hostilities. The provisional I.R.A then refused to hand over weapons and instead promised they would destroy them themselves, have they NO, have hostilities stopped NO, the same people we caught, prosecuted and imprisoned are still to this day carrying out bombings,punishment beatings and shootings, so surely the good friday agreement has been violated countless times. The majority of the Irish who would not be happy with a border between north and south are the ones who wish for the Isle of Ireland to be united and not part of the U.K., again the majority wish to stay part of the U.K. and not Ireland.

Nor should they...

The basic premise of a democracy is to have elected people representing their constituency and most certainly doing what their constituents want and ask for not thinking they are the boss and know whats best.

Why would anyone cut themselves out of the 2nd largest democracy by numbers and 3rd largest market in terms of money out of my mind? No one would do it especially if they ran their own corner store. Macro- and micro-economics add up.
Leaving the E.U. does not mean cessation of trade. Someone running their own shop would also not pay a large portion of their takings into a club that ensures they get more sales that do not equate with their subscription fees, we pay more in to the E.U. than we recieve FACT, so that we can export a fraction on goods without tariffs WHY, to fund another layer of government and to help other countries develop so they can compete with us on the global market.

You might think that I voted out. You might think I did so because I am racist or small minded.
NO I believe we as a country or as a planet need less Government. The role of government should be to collect taxes, fund the police education and healthcare not constantly intrude on the population and economies lives with regulation and legislation. We all know right from wrong, and without interference from politicians good businesses will flourish and bad business will dwindle due to consumer choice.

Rant over sorry. Lets all just enjoy life whilst being nice to each other and the planet.
Xx G