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26 October 2018
Because of agendas and having an electorate that has split loyalties towards brexit and no-Brexit. And dont forget the economic realities of Brexit; UK is not going to be OK on its own; there will be tariffs to trade with the 3rd largest population and tariffs raise economic issues and that reality means they have had to decide on what's good.

I shall not go into what Bumbling boris and Rees-Mogg and the 1922 committee say or do....

Finally, not having a backstop will violate the Good Friday agreement and nullifying the good friday agreement is not going to make Irish happy.

So it was a stupid referendum back in 2016 where people voted on lies and when reality bites, decision making is hard.
Of course there are split loyalties that’s what the referendum was to settle. If the remainers had got out of their ivory towers or second homes in Spain then the result may have been different! However they didn’t and the Brexit community won the day! So would our MP’s please deliver that simple commitment ?
Ireland is an issue I agree but Switzerland manage 7 borders with none of them hard surely we can manage the same ?

May I ask if you would have still considered it a “stupid referendum” if the remain parties had won ?

Deleted member 3175

Nor should they...

Politics is a pain in the arse. We vote for who we want in, to do the job, they don't, we complain/whinge. I'm not up on politics nor intelligent enough to comment, but in my honest opinion, its a vicious circle, and we constantly complain they aren't doing the job properly we didn't vote for this and so on. I for one am prepared to sit back and let things take there course, be it what I voted for or not. One way or another it will work out, might not be for the best, but hey we will have to deal with it. :)

Deleted member 13437

Of course there are split loyalties that’s what the referendum was to settle. If the remainers had got out of their ivory towers or second homes in Spain then the result may have been different! However they didn’t and the Brexit community won the day! So would our MP’s please deliver that simple commitment ?
Ireland is an issue I agree but Switzerland manage 7 borders with none of them hard surely we can manage the same ?

May I ask if you would have still considered it a “stupid referendum” if the remain parties had won ?
Yes i would call it a "stupid referendum" even if remain had one..One that was called to satisfy one party's back bench and did not heed to anyone. There was no agenda except to keep the leadership of the Tory party as is.

Also, assuming that remainers as one with holiday homes in spain and brexiteers as home bodies is

Switzerland has 7 borders and they are not part of EEA/EU, but part of the single market. And they negotiated early at the start and do not cry foul but have a seat at the table and negotiate.
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Deleted member 13437

Milkshake. Let’s not go there with mindless little abusers eh. Milkshake today, acid tomorrow or hey maybe a knife. Makes no odds or shall we remember that poor little boy who died from having cheese thrown at him by bullies... allergies come from all sorts of products as I know from having someone living here with one.
Agree..that was over the top. Aggression in any form is deplorable. It just gave Farage more credence. <head scratching moment> for me.


18 July 2015
Agree..that was over the top. Aggression in any form is deplorable. It just gave Farage more credence. <head scratching moment> for me.
It doesn’t matter who it is, violence is violence in many forms. He still a human being and didn’t deserve to be treated by some idiot that hasn’t got a brain. Super simple in my opinion.
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19 March 2015
No...then i wont kick myself if im not happy with whoever i voted for. Think in all my years, i've only ever voted once at the general x
That's a shame because - whatever you choose to vote for, it's using your right and by not doing so means you have to live with the consequences regardless. You have a right, that has been hard fought for by the Suffragette Movement and womens' equality, making sure that women have a right to vote and have their voices heard. x
Havent decided who to vote for to be fair, no particular party is floating my boat.
I hear you. But I am 100% a Brexiteer so feel that to make a protest vote, of sorts, then Brexit Party is the way...

By this logic then;
Yes i would call it a "stupid referendum" even if remain had one..
A second would be stupid wouldn't it?
Then I agree with you on this! (y)

19 March 2015
I would love to vote !
Can you find me one that listens to what we say and acts on what we say,
that doesn’t forget all they stood for,
and isn’t just in it for all they can get out of it !!

To be fair whoever gets in, they'll not do what everyone wants. Whatever happens we can't please everyone.

The frustrating thing is, at least in all the years I've been voting etc and no doubt the many before me;
Find a single politician who has never lied during a campaign.
Find a single politician who has lived up to what they've promised during a campaign.

Would love a people's parliament but then - you can't pluck people off the street either.
Hence the... democratic process.

Deleted member 13437

A second would be stupid wouldn't it?
Then I agree with you on this! (y)

Any vote on referendum (past or present) is stupid is my point. Past referendum should never have happened and revoking the shit show that's happening between MPs by giving people a chance on what's agreed is exactly the right thing to do. I vote for vote on final deal (if that's agreed and if nothing comes out of any agreement by Halloween, bury that idea and move on with life).

If so, why not agree to Scots peel away and offer them a second referedum if Brexit happens since most of Scotland voted to remain (70%, not 51 to 49). They are obliged to cater to their countrymen to have a referendum, aren't they?
26 October 2018
A second would be stupid wouldn't it?
Then I agree with you on this! (y)

And I’m sure you’ve seen that’s exactly what’s coming , mummy woodentop is putting it back on the table, and when the leave sector win again they’ll take it to best of 5
Heads I win tails they lose democracy at its finest


Deleted member 13437

A second would be stupid wouldn't it?
Then I agree with you on this! (y)

And I’m sure you’ve seen that’s exactly what’s coming , mummy woodentop is putting it back on the table, and when the leave sector win again they’ll take it to best of 5
Heads I win tails they lose democracy at its finest

Honestly, let's talk facts. Show me one country in this world that will offer exclusive business as much as what EU does to UK in terms of what any member country gets back in return.

UK will never get that from China, or India or USA (three biggest markets in terms of people). What's left? Where will people go? The rosy eyed view that all will be fine and we can negotiate trade deals to make up for losses from EU is rotten. Time to see the light!

Livelihoods does not depend on national identity but on food, shelter and a roof over the head and bottomline to all that is money and EU trading provides that for the time-being when the rest of the world is volatile.