We all need a job to keep a roof over our heads and to feed the family. Some people are fortunate to have the job of their dreams, others have to work at whatever they can. My partners brother is a traffic warden, he works because he has no other option, he been attacked several times and also stabed, all so that his kids can eat.
I personally find your description somewhat derogatory and whilst I may not like all wardens they are needed to stop people parking wherever they like because they can't be bothered to walk more that 20 metres, or think they have a divine right to park where they like. Yes some are little hitlers but I would never class them all as such.
I've always found traffic wardens to be fine, they know the rules and don't need to meet arbitrary targets to supplement a piss poor basic wage. They also do a useful job keeping the traffic moving. Council parking attendants are a very different thing.