What The "no -nos" To Swinging

  • Thread starter Sammy
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So there lots of good advice around the forum and in chat about what to do , how to get started etc

What are the no no's , never do
I'm sure you can all think of those omg I can't believe funny stories n moments or that you cannot be serious thought


11 August 2015
Never do anything you don't feel comfortable with or meet someone unless someone else knows where you are going
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Never eat yellow snow.....and never give up if you get a knockback. There's someone for everyone. Hell I'd share myself with all of you (actually had a dream about that last week). Never shy away from contacting a member if you like em. Never assume others will have protection - take along your own just in case. :)
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Never eat yellow snow.....and never give up if you get a knockback. There's someone for everyone. Hell I'd share myself with all of you (actually had a dream about that last week). Never shy away from contacting a member if you like em. Never assume others will have protection - take along your own just in case. :)

Note to Self....Yellow Snow !!!
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Lol You seem like a bundle of fun and SS is better for it. Next time I'm in Glasgow I'm gonna hit you up for a beer , I go there often. Where in Glasgow are you?

A bundle of fun is one description lol but not everyone's

I like a bit of banter for sure

I'm not far outside Glasgow
I'm just a hop skip n jump away
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A bundle of fun is one description lol but not everyone's

I like a bit of banter for sure

I'm not far outside Glasgow
I'm just a hop skip n jump away
Well I've read what you're about and I like it, you seem to be a bit wooah, a bit wey and absolutely mmmmmmmme! :)
26 July 2016
Don't take your knitting out during a meet it gives the wrong impression (yes that really happened to us)


This was the same couple that shouted right across the room to me whilst I was stood getting drinks " HOW LONG YOU BEEN SWINGING THEN" the meet ended at that point as we walked out the door
I'd have been mortified. Did they bring a whippet with em?


18 July 2015
Many moons ago we had a couple come to ours for the evening, they arrived with two large suitcases and a massive plastic box all full of toys and torture gear :eek:


Many moons ago we had a couple come to ours for the evening, they arrived with two large suitcases and a massive plastic box all full of toys and torture gear :eek:
Yeah sorry about that. You did say you like to get wild though. :)