Fake Swingers Accounts And Catfishing..

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Well this one is exactly why we have PV in place..
So this account joined last night and as most of you know, we have a personal account on here too and the account collared us in chat.
Of course, I saw this as a great way to get chatting as I knew pretty much instantly this was a fake account.
Their first post on their profile was "Actually 18 not 22! Hot young couple looking for threesome!"

We deal with these types of accounts, day in day out.
Ultimately of course, members don't see this as we keep it quiet and do it behind the scenes with as little fuss as possible. However, this had to be shown to all to give you an idea.

I've kept a log to show you and what the person actually said about being fake. The fact that "everyone does it" and even though I am banning the account, it will happily go back to other swinging sites under it's false account, to carry on being a catfish/fake.

Have a look at the following;
Untitled-1.png Untitled-2.png Untitled-3.png

I've made typos and misspellings such as your/you're and text speak, all on purpose.
There were many screenshots but I tried to add them in a readable format. Obviously it goes on order.

Really the points here I guess are - keep your wits about you and if the account is not photo verified then please don't give out any details. We cannot be held responsible if you do.
Most of all I think it shows how much goes on but really what gets me is the blasé attitude of the fact they will go back to another well known swinging site and carry on being a dodgy account on there.

We really take your security seriously here and work very hard to ensure that the site is kept safe and as free from these types of accounts as we possibly can.
I think it's important to explain to all, just how prudent we are on here with this.
The account joined again throughout the night but we have systems in place to catch such activity and prevent them from being able to do anything on the site.

Admin x

Edit as of 16/02/18

Well I have an update for this and will update the main article too.
Last night we had a young hottie join... a lot of people were all over "her" profile and leaving polite comments such as how she had gorgeous pictures, to comments on the media such as great position and how very sexy she was, to how beautiful and stunning she is.
But, the account had not photo verified.... hell, the account even received an actual verification from a member, purely for seeing videos on an app. :rolleyes: :palm:

Anyway so we locked the account and insisted 'she' PV regardless of the fake verification left and the scale of attention the account had received from people.
This is what we got;

2018-02-15-22-28-53-1 - Copy.png

Oh, look! She has floating paper but most of all, isn't that shape of hand how you'd hold a mobile to take a selfie?! Yeah. I thought so too. o_O
So there we have it folks, let's pinch someone's photos, cut out their mobile and add a fake photo insert instead.
Obviously I've cut out the face to try and maintain the anonymity of the person involved.

So I have decided to share this with you all, to highlight just what we filter out on the site on a daily basis, hopefully giving you all some insight on just how much of this goes on and how often we have to deal with people like this, day in and day out, in order to keep the site safe - for real, genuine, swingers.
About author
Administrator of Social Swinging.


We've encountered a new-ish technique recently and by God was it clever.... Spotted, sorted, locked and restricted, but blimey this person knew what they were doing. Just goes to show we have to keep our eye on the ball constantly.
Disappointing, of course it is... but another one bites the dust. Clever though. (n)
OMG the extent some people go to is staggering :palm:
I had no doubt this went on but to the extent it does is shocking.
This just goes to show people the hard work and commitment the owners and staff put into trying to ensure our safety.
Thank you from us both, we appreciate it xx
Why do they bother? My PV and photos as soon as I can work out how to do it.
Advert from Bobbie One, I was very lucky with Fab in the early days and still maintain some valuable friendships
regretfully some being just too far away for regular metings, they took a lot of time and effort sorting the real from the fakes or
simply time wasters who never met anyone, I suspect. I do value the effort this site Social puts into Photo Verification
and " dodgy profiles" and general behavior.
I'd like to take this chance to mention that I have spoken to the lady this evening who was on Radio 2's Jeremy Vine Show this afternoon regarding Catfishing.
She has been affected deeply by Catfishing and has granted us permission to share her story and petition link where she's asking for support to try and make it law to make catfishing a crime.
If you can take a minute to please read this, sign it and show support, it would be greatly received and appreciated.
Many thanks
Admin x
(I've put this in comments as well as thread replies in case people are subscribed to either one)
My Petition Story

Sign a petition
I remember this very well, it highlights the problem with little people who thinks it’s perfectly fine to steal photos of innocent victims and use them on sites like this. In doing so laws will be broken and innocent people become victims to suck criminal abuse.
We have banned a fake account this morning and hopefully sooner than later more people will think twice about such awful behaviour. You will be exposed and all information passed on to the relevant authorities.

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