Good afternoon,
A long awaited feature request has finally been implemented.
Whilst we managed it for guests, it's taken a bit more to get this right for logged in members.
We have added an option for NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content in the gallery, profile banners, avatars and media attachments in the forums.
This means if you are wanting to use the site whilst;
- in work or around colleagues
- in the public domain
- family near
Now, this uses an artificial intelligence - Deep AI - Nudity Detection. This means we have set a specific percentage on the chances of media being nude or not.
Please allow me some time to get this right, as it will take a bit of tweaking before we nail it between what is considered NSFW and what is okay.
This feature is a premium feature and available to site supporters only!
Please see here if you wish to upgrade your accounts;
Site Supporter
Many thanks and again, please allow a little time for us to get the algorithm right.
This will only have an effect on NEW media and attachments!
You can toggle this feature on or off by visiting this link;
Admin x