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Deleted member 1402

With or without I don't mind, as for FGM it's horrific and should be banned worldwide, unfortunately there is a lot of pressure put on families to have this done, work is ongoing between schools, social services and the authorities to spot vulnerable children being taken out off the country to have it done, alas people are being brought into the country to carry out the procedure on young girls!
+1 (y)
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3 February 2016
I may have it wrong but it's supposed to subdue female sexual urges .... Why would you want to do that ? As a bloke a horny woman is a good thing :whistle::whistle:
It is many due to sexual pleasure being seen a sin within many judeo-christian sects, that mixed with the difficult complexity of someone africian belief systems leads to practices like this developing.

But back to the orginal question no I'm not circumcised (though I nearly had to be for health reasons) and sadly few people are willing to talk about the issues around male circumcision those being decreased sensitivity and asssociated lowering of sexual pleasure, as well as increased risk of water infection. Unlike some would have you believe it is not just a useless bit of skin.


15 September 2014
Well female circumcision is illegal here but other countries do practise it. It involves removing the clitoris and somethimes the inner and outer labia. Sometimes they even sew up the vulva to allow a small hole to pass blood and pee through. Personally speaking i think its a cruel practise. Its done for religious reasons i believe.
As for males....ive never been with anyone who was circumcised. It wouldnt put me off though xxx

With or without I don't mind, as for FGM it's horrific and should be banned worldwide, unfortunately there is a lot of pressure put on families to have this done, work is ongoing between schools, social services and the authorities to spot vulnerable children being taken out off the country to have it done, alas people are being brought into the country to carry out the procedure on young girls!

FGM (female genital mutilation) is religious based and serves two purposes.
1, to limit sexual pleasure and also limit sexual mprowess to potential partners - it's seens as a disfigurement so potential males stay away so therefore the female won't have sex and so on
2, for religious doctrines.
It's illegal in most countries and should be banned globally etc. If caught in the UK, our justice system should penalise those guilty of doing it - heavily.
It's an abhorrent practice and some girls die from it. Those who survive end up brutally scarred for life both mentally and physically. Remember, some of this is carried out with blunt, bladed objects - not even knives or scalpels. Much like the host countries though, barbaric and archaic.
New WHO guidelines to improve care for millions living with female genital mutilation
End FGM - Because I am a Girl - Plan UK
End FGM by the Guardian;
End FGM Guardian Global Media Campaign | The Guardian

Also so many people fail to realise the issues with males being circumcised. It's there for a reason you know.. :) (unless medically removed due to health complexities then it's a different matter.)


From what I gather about male circumcision a lot of women actually prefer it. I would consider however most procedures are done at an early age
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15 April 2016
I'm circumcised. About five years ago for medical reasons. He's clean, smooth and as sensitive as before. A few ladies have said how food he feels during BJ's and intercourse. Something you ladies must try some time. Pic's on request.:full_Sex:
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15 April 2016
I'm circumcised. About five years ago for medical reasons. He's clean, smooth and as sensitive as before. A few ladies have said how food he feels during BJ's and intercourse. Something you ladies must try some time. Pic's on request.:full_Sex:
How good!
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Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
I had it done as a child for medical reasons but can't remember much about it now. In adult life I've not had any complains from any of the ladies I've had fun with.


3 February 2016
A lot of people have smelly feet. Two possible solutions spring immediately to mind;
1 Wash between the toes daily with soap and water.
2 Cut the toes off.
Which do you think is the appropriate response here? I'd be genuinely interested in your answers.
What you mean cutting my feet off is a solution to having to wash them :rofl:
It is a great metaphor though.
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15 April 2016
A lot of people have smelly feet. Two possible solutions spring immediately to mind;
1 Wash between the toes daily with soap and water.
2 Cut the toes off.
Which do you think is the appropriate response here? I'd be genuinely interested in your answers.
My circumstances where health related, nothing to do with smell or odour. Since the old fellow has blossomed. Clean and odourless as a added plus.
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15 April 2016
I'm uncut, but very nearly had it done for medical reasons when I was younger. Glad I didn't have to though, I like having a foreskin :)
I did to. Due to reasons beyond my cortrol. I've had nothing but positive, when they try ,try like!
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Deleted member 3411

I have had to bite my lip a little and curl my toes reading this. It's not so bad having it done when you're a child although I wouldn't say that it is a painless operation then, but I had to have an operation on mine when in my forties and I can understand why they recommend it's done while you're a child... children don't wake up with Morning Glory..... and stitches....aaaaarrrghhhh
I'm still all there but modified, as mentioned earlier hygiene is of the upmost importance.