Body issues

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I don't like my body. I love sex and how it makes me feel, but I don't like my body. Mr makes me feel incredible, he says he loves my body and to be fair there's nothing to suggest otherwise, he compliments me all the time, not just in bed. He touches me, always got a hand on my bum when we are out and about. But I don't always believe him. He buys me sexy underwear and has a hunger in his eyes is I'm wearing it or even naked. But I put it down to me being good in bed.
I've been bigger than I am now and I've also been smaller, Mrs opinion of how I look has never once changed, but to be fair neither has mine.
I'm hoping that over time my self confidence will grow, there's fantasies that I want to at least be confident enough about myself to at least consider doing (does that make any sense?)
In my mind I'm a sexual goddess and live to share fantasies, in my eyes I'm a woman no one would ever want, except Mr.


There are plenty of people that feel exactly the same as you do , I’d probably say a good majority will say I don’t like this that or the other about how I look ….
But this site has always been supportive to me and a lot of others who do have similar issues so I would say my confidence has been helped no end from (some will say I share to much ?) sharing , we all do it and it can help …
If you look at people in this lifestyle we are all shapes and sizes so you shouldn’t worry (easy to say I know) no one will be nasty or judge you here ..
Sexy is in the eye of the beholder ??
If ever anybody says anything nasty about you or to you let the admins know right away it will not be tolerated on here this is a safe and caring site not like the rest with there backstabbings
OMG! A nice body is what makes people look, and maybe initiate a conversation more quickly than others. But once it becomes apparent that someone is sexy - and the biggest sex organ is the mind, I'm sure you've seen that many a time - the conversation doesn't dry up, it becomes more intense and more exciting. You say that you love sex and how it makes you feel. Loads of men love to give pleasure, and would love to see you enjoying yourself and to be a part of it. OK, there are a few selfish ones but you will spot them a mile away (the pushy ones) but those who spend time learning about how you feel, what you like and what you want are the ones for you.

I think it's great that that you have fantasies. I would love to help a woman enact her fantasies. Most won't even admit that they have them. You have admitted it. That makes you sexy. The fact that you say that you are good in bed also makes you sexy. You know how to please a man and I'm sure you enjoy it, but be aware that there are a lot of us who want you to enjoy it too, and seeing your pleasure is a real turn on for us too.

Your penultimate sentence makes perfect sense. But don't just consider doing them, plan them.

Be what you are in your mind, a sexual goddess. As for the woman no one would ever want, leave her behind. You are a goddess. If you ever come to holiday in my part of Spain, I welcome you and your partner.

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