Best And Worst Pick Up Lines

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15 September 2014
Was this from that bloke who's name was a clear description of him?
Maybe :whistle: :D

Yes it was. Completely abhorrent way to speak to someone. Some things we can and DO tolerate, due to ignorance and having to be educated about all this. But he persisted and that last one (there were a few tbh) crossed the line.

Deleted member 3657

Maybe :whistle: :D

Yes it was. Completely abhorrent way to speak to someone. Some things we can and DO tolerate, due to ignorance and having to be educated about all this. But he persisted and that last one (there were a few tbh) crossed the line.
I'd love to read them. Could be a thread for new guys of how not to act maybe???


15 September 2014
I'd love to read them. Could be a thread for new guys of how not to act maybe???
Well we did try with the etiquette thread but still things like this happen. Usually @Pearls and @Miss-Sexy-Legs get it first tbh which is very frustrating at times. We often see the way they get spoken to, when most do not even know about it or that it exists and happens.
Think it again flies the flag in one way, of the fact that other sites don’t give a damn and allow this to happen, day in, day out. Well we won’t put up with it.
Of course it’s cash for sites, a way to just make the money and keep it coming in. We’re not here for that.

Deleted member 3657

Maybe but as they were more than likely via pm then this would be unethical do you not agree
No not really, especially now the offender had left the building, and as long as only the offensive type messages are displayed as way of not behave.

Deleted member 3657

And the example would hopefully be a demonstration of how not to be a prick.


11 August 2015
No not really, especially now the offender had left the building, and as long as only the offensive type messages are displayed as way of not behave.

As @Admin has already said we have an existing thread to cover this. Nor is this type of action restricted to SG's so we try to point any such members in the right direction, some are subsequently banned, some leave as they realise this site isn't for them and the remaing few realise they have got it wrong and change their ways.
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4 July 2017
There is one i read once, its awsome but longwinded and im not sure if i remember it right
Hi i wanted to come up to you and ask for a dance but then i thought what if we got on and then fell in love after a few years got married and had a couple of kids and you stopped taking care of your self and i started working more to be able to keep up with our family we would drift apart causing you to start drinking which would drive me to cheat causing our family to split .... SO im here to ask you THINK OF THE KIDS lets just fuck and leave it at that
Should have taken the opportunity to divide up the record collection ;)
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7 December 2017
I do keep getting the same message saying
"Are you ready to meet me yet"
It isn't working for me I'm afraid to say.


9 November 2015
I do keep getting the same message saying
"Are you ready to meet me yet"
It isn't working for me I'm afraid to say.
There was me going to give it a go ..:D .... so get your coat you’ve pulled won’t work either :rofl:...:oops::oops: