You are correct and in a healthy, responsible environment - it is healthy to not agree with other people's opinions. It doesn't mean I/we don't like anyone or dislike someone because of their opinions.

The reasons I disagreed was mainly because of this;
Which to myself (Mr) is a double standard. However, I agree with
@Charlia that this is also something I cannot pass comment on. But what I will say however to the post directly is this;
I am pansexual. That means I find all sexes attractive for various reasons. For me mostly, it is the mind and the personality.
I.E, as a bloke, (and believe me - I am a "man's man" as anyone who knows me will testify to..) I can find anyone attractive based on who they are regardless of sex/gender.
But to stereotype that men become less of a man if they engage in bisexual activities yet a woman is more of a woman for doing so, is a bit of a slap in the face.
It's almost like saying that your best mate can borrow £2k as he's married to a woman, but your other best mate can go swivel, because he's open to his own sexuality.
Aren't they both your best friends no matter what or who they are?
I'm not offended whatsoever so please don't feel I am, but I personally do believe that this is a stigma that I think we as a society, really, really need to overcome.