Fuck and go sites

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Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
Sorry but my curiousity has got the better of me now. After reading all the nasty/vile stuff thats happened to people and seeing people not having fun it's made me wonder who still has an account over there? And even more curious as to why on god's green earth,you still do? Don't tell me it's the numbers reason ? x

Deleted member 18050

I will admit that I still have an account on there ,Although it’s been over 3 yrs since I had a meet,I have never encountered any of the things I have heard about on this thread ,The occasional profile that says 420 friendly yes
But found a lot of rudeness and ignorance as is most sites which has put me off messaging anyone unless they contact me first
I keep the account open in the vain hope I might still have a chance



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
I will admit that I still have an account on there ,Although it’s been over 3 yrs since I had a meet,I have never encountered any of the things I have heard about on this thread ,The occasional profile that says 420 friendly yes
But found a lot of rudeness and ignorance as is most sites which has put me off messaging anyone unless they contact me first
I keep the account open in the vain hope I might still have a chance
Still have a chance with what? Sorry if i'm.being nosey ? x
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Deleted member 18050

Are you not in a with a chance to meet the most amazing and friendly people on here?. I know my deductive skills are abit slow this week but I don't think I missed that ? x
Probably not ,sitting in the background not wanting to message anyone no
Luckily I had very positive experience on here so far and a couple of negative



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
Probably not ,sitting in the background not wanting to message anyone no
Luckily I had very positive experience on here so far and a couple of negative
Well as i'm one of the most active forum users, and I message pearls and Maleman ,among others, every day I don't know if you're talking about me or not ?.
But i'm glad you had a positive experience on here ? x

Deleted member 18050

Well as i'm one of the most active forum users, and I message pearls and Maleman ,among others, every day I don't know if you're talking about me or not ?.
But i'm glad you had a positive experience on here ? x
Talking about you in what way ?
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Deleted member 18050

I didn't know if the comment about sitting in the background was about you or me tbh lol because I noticed you've been commenting in the forums alot more lately.That's all x
No that’s me ,In the forums but sitting in the background not messaging anyone apart from the regular user I message
13 August 2015
Sorry but my curiousity has got the better of me now. After reading all the nasty/vile stuff thats happened to people and seeing people not having fun it's made me wonder who still has an account over there? And even more curious as to why on god's green earth,you still do? Don't tell me it's the numbers reason ? x
Deleted mine. It's just not the kind of site I want to associate with anymore.
13 August 2015
Good morning.
Do you know what I don’t get? Why so many people have so many horror experiences, so many issues, so many problems yet stay there.
Fair do’s to you for doing what you feel is the right thing. X
Morning Chief.

I stayed for far longer than I should have - what kept me was the verifications I got and the friends I'd made.
19 March 2015
Morning Chief.

I stayed for far longer than I should have - what kept me was the verifications I got and the friends I'd made.
That’s totally understandable. It can be a tricky one to break.
Dangerous place though. I can say hand on heart, we’d never allow here to go like that. If it closed tomorrow, we’d manage our registrations. Literally. X

Deleted member 20900

Following on from my morals thread,and finding out it wasn't just me that had the unfortunate pleasure of being on that shithole site.I thought I would be nosey and find out about people's negative experiences,on drabs as it's so commonly known.
I've had it all from threats,abuse,stalkers and shit sex from domme wannabes. The worst for me was being told even the Ipswich strangler wouldn't want me.That was a confidence blow ?.
What is your worst experience?Could you go back there knowing that it is the worst place to be for genuine swingers?
We really haven’t had much luck finding the right person/people so far and we had the pleasure of Fab, (not sure if this is what you are referring to) but it seems there are just some vile people around and if they are not vile, they have some amazingly unrealistic expectations of meeting others. It also seems that Unicorns really are rare and almost impossible to find and even couples don’t just fall into your lap. It does seem really difficult to hook up when one of you has a horrific history of allergies and chronic ones at that. So we just keep looking, I feel a bit like Nemo’s dad and Dorry.



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
We really haven’t had much luck finding the right person/people so far and we had the pleasure of Fab, (not sure if this is what you are referring to) but it seems there are just some vile people around and if they are not vile, they have some amazingly unrealistic expectations of meeting others. It also seems that Unicorns really are rare and almost impossible to find and even couples don’t just fall into your lap. It does seem really difficult to hook up when one of you has a horrific history of allergies and chronic ones at that. So we just keep looking, I feel a bit like Nemo’s dad and Dorry.
Everyone over there does have unrealistic expectations though lol It's one massive competition to see who can be the biggest c##t ?
With regards to the allergy history, why not look for someone to soft play with to start? You don't have to have sex,until you can figure out a way around it. I've had meets that don't involve sex and had fun.Go to clubs and watch while playing with each other?.Thats a fun way to be involved. I would have thought polysiprene condoms would have been ok to use though, because thats what they make the non allergy surgical gloves from x

Deleted member 20900

Everyone over there does have unrealistic expectations though lol It's one massive competition to see who can be the biggest c##t ?
With regards to the allergy history, why not look for someone to soft play with to start? You don't have to have sex,until you can figure out a way around it. I've had meets that don't involve sex and had fun.Go to clubs and watch while playing with each other?.Thats a fun way to be involved. I would have thought polysiprene condoms would have been ok to use though, because thats what they make the non allergy surgical gloves from x
I have been trying to find out what the latex free condoms are made of, but it seems really difficult to get the info.
I’m actually really glad it’s not just who who has the opinion about fab, it seem very much like a Facebook and who has the most likes!
we actually had a great day at the VA near Sandy and B ended up with 7 men and woman all over her, touching, licking, and all sorts except penetration. But B said she feels like she is on the side lines if I’m playing with someone else and she can’t have the full play experience. I think she’s really looking for a girlfriend lol.



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
I have been trying to find out what the latex free condoms are made of, but it seems really difficult to get the info.
I’m actually really glad it’s not just who who has the opinion about fab, it seem very much like a Facebook and who has the most likes!
we actually had a great day at the VA near Sandy and B ended up with 7 men and woman all over her, touching, licking, and all sorts except penetration. But B said she feels like she is on the side lines if I’m playing with someone else and she can’t have the full play experience. I think she’s really looking for a girlfriend lol.
There's plenty of women who don't have full penetration. There's no need to feel like she's left out. It's all about doing what everyone's comfortable with.
The condoms are synthetically made.They're a bit more expensive than latex ones but they have a natural feel and work,so thats a plus ? x

Deleted member 20900

There's plenty of women who don't have full penetration. There's no need to feel like she's left out. It's all about doing what everyone's comfortable with.
The condoms are synthetically made.They're a bit more expensive than latex ones but they have a natural feel and work,so thats a plus ? x
Yeah I’m looking forward to trying them out actually, I’ve not had to wear on for some nearly 12 years, so it’s going to be interesting to go back to one.
but we are hoping to be able to go to a private party in a couple of weeks if B can use these condoms she can have lots of fun and hopefully get her DP ? personally I just want to experience an actual swinging party.



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
Yeah I’m looking forward to trying them out actually, I’ve not had to wear on for some nearly 12 years, so it’s going to be interesting to go back to one.
but we are hoping to be able to go to a private party in a couple of weeks if B can use these condoms she can have lots of fun and hopefully get her DP ? personally I just want to experience an actual swinging party.
Private parties are a good way to make long lasting friendships with people.And in my case it's easier for me to be nosier when there's not as many people ?
I prefer clubs though.The atmosphere is more fun,and on a good night people let their hair down,which is fun to watch.
I hope B can find something that works for her , then you can both have lots of fun ? x


18 July 2015
Going back to sites like drabs, other options are limited and the problems are with more folk dropping out of that site, especially recently, where do you go?
I still think people don’t fully understand swinging due to new generations and dodgy swipe left/right apps.
Genuine swinging sites where you can enjoy and feel safe are limited.
Uk based there are only two, us at a cost of £4 a month and S heaven which is £13.95 a month.
The number one site is obviously S D C but that more global and a cost of £22.95 a month.

The cost is a disadvantage for a few reasons with one being attractive to fakes, if you’re paying big money you must be legit right?

If more and more leave drabs then where do these accounts go?
I personally don’t want drug dealers, scam artists, sickos into children and incest….
All the cheaters, which brings more issues when the wives join and then you got a bigger whoohah.
How do you filter the crap out?
It’s always been maintained, this is not the site for people like this but how many actual genuine swingers are really out there now?
With not many good sites available and a scene that’s been trashed by media and the internet, it’s safer for it to back being more underground.



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
I should add, drabs went down for a few hours a while back, we had hundreds of desperate peeps come through the door, not one couple was legit.
I definitely wouldn't want drabs to go down.While that lot are over there,we're ok over here lol
I have no issue with the people who choose to leave drabs on their own accord,to find something better for themselves.But people coming over here because that site isn't available...well that wouldn't go down well with me X

Deleted member 8095

I definitely wouldn't want drabs to go down.While that lot are over there,we're ok over here lol
I have no issue with the people who choose to leave drabs on their own accord,to find something better for themselves.But people coming over here because that site isn't available...well that wouldn't go down well with me X
I couldn't agree more, let the meat market I wanna meet now mob stay over there ➡️. The amount of people whom I've seen come onto this site and leave within 20 mins because they didn't understand the social bit!!