Profile Photos And Name

  • Thread starter The_Bibas
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Deleted member 5247

My profile is very much a work in progress however I still think I’ve made an effort. I’m sure with more familiarity with the site and it’s members it will evolve into a shop window I’m happy with.
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9 September 2017
I would love too . .but rapunzel cinders, snow White are equally as fake as your maid dear sheriff ..
My story was real .
Nottingham is good for center parcs and .... . Hang on .. I am sure there is something else... Oh squirrels


Oh my....
I could list all that Nottingham is famous for and has contributed to the world but why bother when I can just say two words....
Su Pollard
I rest my case :p

Antogs xx
19 March 2015
What message are you trying to get over with your photo and name?
That is basically what people think when they look at your profile picture and name...

This is all about window shopping...
So what message does a photo showing you stuffing your face with pizza Or a strand of hair . Your dog Your over hanging belly, bulbous nose or even a blurred photo send out?

What about your name.. Squirtking or danglingballs... You get the idea ..

The question is.... Would you contact any of the above?

Your profile is the your first impression to the world.. You are selling yourself to passers-by..

In truth would you really contact someone called shitonyou with the profile picture to match the name?
Welcome to the weird world of swinging where people complain that no one contacts them .. Lol..

My name is Biba .. My profile name is.... The_Bibas.. My picture is of me .. What a crazy concept...
But I get hundreds of messages a day...

Think it through before choosing a crap name and a shite picture ..
Being brutal If you can't be bothered to make an effort then why should we be bothered to look at you

Xxxbibaxxx View attachment 50649
Yes well... this says a lot about people doesn't it?
Ours has been in use for a very long time now and it basically is a case of kissable and passionate lips, combined with pearls which are on their own a very sexy thing, but lips and pearls together are a highly sexual innuendo. (I am sure I need not explain).
Our avatar/profile pic hopefully depicts us for who we are; passionate, loving and sensual with it too. xx
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