How do I Report Content

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Hi all, as you know - we have moved the site's FAQ's and Tutorials.
I created a Wiki of sorts and now all content is in there.
I will also be adding this in the FAQ but I feel it's very important to have this listed here too.

Reporting content that you feel may be inappropriate is very important.!
I cannot stress this enough, it's pointless moaning to your friends about something on your site that you may not be happy about, as your friend won't be able to do something about it.

We cannot do anything about it either unless we know about it..
So quite simply, any post, message, photo comment - anything you find offensive or even a profile that needs attention, must be reported in order for us to deal with it.

If you are reporting a PM or chat message, a snippet of the message will be sent so we can investigate and we will act only if we feel it is necessary for us to do so.
Abuse will NEVER be tolerated and I urge anyone to report anything deemed abusive, immediately so we can take swift and appropriate action.

NB the person you report, doesn't know you have reported them either, so you are safe.
If vulgar and offensive I recommend you block then report.

If you are unsure how to report these things, please see the following screenshots - as there are report buttons site-wide.
Many thanks!

Admin :) x

Report Private Message & reason for doing so;


Report Image Posts;


Report Profiles and profile posts;


Report Thread replies;
About author
Administrator of Social Swinging.


A very timely bump to ALL members please report anything you feel is disrespectful or you feel pressured or intimidated by , we cannot act on things if they are not reported
Thank you all

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