I've found this thread fascinating.

It hits a number of nails firmly on their heads.
As some of you may know I'm quite frank and open about sex.
I like to talk about sex and I like to have sex.
However, and this is absolutely no fault of this fantastic site or of the fantastic people on it but...
I have found myself holding back for fear of causing offence or upsetting someone. I'm basically a polite, respectful person and always consider the feelings of others. I have felt the people on here are so nice I might upset them if I was too explicit. Having said that, I have, on occasion, thought to myself that I'm being ridiculous as this is a site where broad-minded, sexually aware people come with the intention of finding like-minded people with whom to have FUN.
Due to issues I've had with my health and problems I've had relating to my financial position I haven't been as pro-active on the meet proposal front as I'd like to be. I'm very hopeful that both my health and financial positions will be vastly improved within the next month or so. Then it'll be a case of "Here I am, do with me what you like" :spankin::bj1::spank:
If things happen then great, if not then I shall continue to enjoy the site and the people on it.
Maybe we could start a thread where we can just go on it and tell each other not only what we'd like to do to each other but actually arrange to meet and do it!!
I thought the "fuck or pass" thread might lead to this. Sadly no-one put they'd like to fuck me so it kinda backfired LOL