Thing is we speak to many people when they first join, all staff do and it's mostly questions about how swinging works. These new members when they initially join have no clue what to expect and so it's our job to educate and advice the best we can, I know
@Miss-Sexy-Legs will agree on this as we spend so much time in PMs with new members.
So as
@Lulu mentioned we spoke and again I offered my help regarding what swinging is, this is when we got talking about dating and if there was much difference in it. After a very long chat I think we finally got there.
We have had men here that have wanted relationships after meeting, one lady even sent a report because this person couldn't understand why she didn't want a relationship (he ended up being banned for many other reasons also. He got very stalkerish.
So this is why we try to educate as much as we can and make threads that are educational, we have a new generation now of swingers, young people who have no idea what it's all about and are confused between swinging and dating. If we can help with keeping swinging swinging then our job is complete.