Singles (swingles) & Swinging.....

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5 July 2016
I will get back to some of these comments a bit later (if I don't forget).

The point I want to make this morning, is the difficulty of being a swingle. No I don't mean the whole nobody picks me scenario (I can live with that) :p.
No it's about what I want. Just because I'm a single male, don't assume I want to swing with you. I have my own particular fantasies and that's what I'm focused on at the moment.
Yes the fantasies I have may be unrealistic but they're the only ones I'm rellay interested in.

My golden rule is "I don't want more cocks than fannies involved" :p:rofl:. I know this will put off couples wanting a threesome with a gent, but that's just the way it is. I'm more than just a piece of meat for their fantasy. Saying that I'd be more than happy for a single lady to join me with another couple.

BOOM I've just slammed a lot of doors closed. Maybe I need more coffee this morning :coffee::rofl:.


P.s I'm aware I should be updating my profile and putting this sort of stuff in it. I haven't felt up to it lately but I'll sort it soon (y)


9 November 2015
I will get back to some of these comments a bit later (if I don't forget).

The point I want to make this morning, is the difficulty of being a swingle. No I don't mean the whole nobody picks me scenario (I can live with that) :p.
No it's about what I want. Just because I'm a single male, don't assume I want to swing with you. I have my own particular fantasies and that's what I'm focused on at the moment.
Yes the fantasies I have may be unrealistic but they're the only ones I'm rellay interested in.

My golden rule is "I don't want more cocks than fannies involved" :p:rofl:. I know this will put off couples wanting a threesome with a gent, but that's just the way it is. I'm more than just a piece of meat for their fantasy. Saying that I'd be more than happy for a single lady to join me with another couple.

BOOM I've just slammed a lot of doors closed. Maybe I need more coffee this morning :coffee::rofl:.


P.s I'm aware I should be updating my profile and putting this sort of stuff in it. I haven't felt up to it lately but I'll sort it soon (y)
Does that mean our date is off #bigboy ;):rofl::rofl:
19 March 2015
I will get back to some of these comments a bit later (if I don't forget).

The point I want to make this morning, is the difficulty of being a swingle. No I don't mean the whole nobody picks me scenario (I can live with that) :p.
No it's about what I want. Just because I'm a single male, don't assume I want to swing with you. I have my own particular fantasies and that's what I'm focused on at the moment.
Yes the fantasies I have may be unrealistic but they're the only ones I'm rellay interested in.

My golden rule is "I don't want more cocks than fannies involved" :p:rofl:. I know this will put off couples wanting a threesome with a gent, but that's just the way it is. I'm more than just a piece of meat for their fantasy. Saying that I'd be more than happy for a single lady to join me with another couple.

BOOM I've just slammed a lot of doors closed. Maybe I need more coffee this morning :coffee::rofl:.


P.s I'm aware I should be updating my profile and putting this sort of stuff in it. I haven't felt up to it lately but I'll sort it soon (y)

Hmm. One thing ourselves personally make sure of, is whoever is in our company doesn’t get treated as a 3rd wheel or 3rd arm. Not an accessory to fulfil a fantasy etc. The ladies who have spent time with us, are always made to feel welcome and part of us for however long.
Sadly too many people do get trampled on and used then thrown to one side. An accessory for fantasy fulfilment.
Re your info, ahh you’ve enough to deal with so it’s not the end of the world surely?
Mind you saying that, you’ve a chicken to attempt cooking now too. :D
5 July 2016
Hmm. One thing ourselves personally make sure of, is whoever is in our company doesn’t get treated as a 3rd wheel or 3rd arm. Not an accessory to fulfil a fantasy etc. The ladies who have spent time with us, are always made to feel welcome and part of us for however long.

Yes I know this about you two (I've read it elsewhere) and I hope there are others who treat the 3rd party like this. It would certainly make me as the third person feel more at ease.

Mind you saying that, you’ve a chicken to attempt cooking now too. :D

It turned out to be pre-cooked :D:D:D

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19 March 2015
Yes I know this about you two (I've read it elsewhere) and I hope there are others who treat the 3rd party like this. It would certainly make me as the third person feel more at ease.
Thank you. It’s definitely how we roll. We’d never treat anyone like an outsider or spare part. I genuinely hope that those who we have met and are on/still on here, can agree to that. We’re very romantic actually. Although we know it’s not for everyone to be like that either.
Hopefully you will be treated the same. :)
It turned out to be pre-cooked :D:D:D

Oh boom!! :D