I will get back to some of these comments a bit later (if I don't forget).
The point I want to make this morning, is the difficulty of being a swingle. No I don't mean the whole nobody picks me scenario (I can live with that)
No it's about what I want. Just because I'm a single male, don't assume I want to swing with you. I have my own particular fantasies and that's what I'm focused on at the moment.
Yes the fantasies I have may be unrealistic but they're the only ones I'm rellay interested in.
My golden rule is "I don't want more cocks than fannies involved"
. I know this will put off couples wanting a threesome with a gent, but that's just the way it is. I'm more than just a piece of meat for their fantasy. Saying that I'd be more than happy for a single lady to join me with another couple.
BOOM I've just slammed a lot of doors closed. Maybe I need more coffee this morning
P.s I'm aware I should be updating my profile and putting this sort of stuff in it. I haven't felt up to it lately but I'll sort it soon
The point I want to make this morning, is the difficulty of being a swingle. No I don't mean the whole nobody picks me scenario (I can live with that)

No it's about what I want. Just because I'm a single male, don't assume I want to swing with you. I have my own particular fantasies and that's what I'm focused on at the moment.
Yes the fantasies I have may be unrealistic but they're the only ones I'm rellay interested in.
My golden rule is "I don't want more cocks than fannies involved"

BOOM I've just slammed a lot of doors closed. Maybe I need more coffee this morning

P.s I'm aware I should be updating my profile and putting this sort of stuff in it. I haven't felt up to it lately but I'll sort it soon