Will do....
Ahh Mrs MTF... Jesus, I heard her before I saw her here.

I knew within a week she had to be among us helping the site.. She has qualities of someone who really adds strength to the team. Members perhaps won't (in fairness) necessarily see this, as it's mostly behind the scenes.. but Mrs F is one of strong character and yet so soft at the same time. (I should be careful what I reveal here..

But don't mess with her, as you say - she doesn't suffer fools or mince her words.
I will say, she's the first to defend us and the site and has determination right through her. She has given us and the site, nothing but solid and profound commitment... She's become an extremely close friend of ours and we've spent some proper, friend/family quality times together.
She's someone you can trust, rely on, turn to for lots of advice as I do extremely often bless.. and someone who if she says she has your back, she does.
Mrs F will tell anyone the same; we often lock horns, but that's what makes working with her such fun.

We love her to bits and we cannot thank her enough for all she's done here.
A beautiful and very considerate/caring lady who will be your best friend and give you as much and support as you need, all the way.
