First Impressions Of Ss Members

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I feel we kind of owe @meet_the_fockers a public apology.

We thought your thoughtful post on admin and Pearls was lovely and we are truly sorry that you took it down due to our poorly worded comment. At the very least I'm glad we got chance to read it before it went. We were touched by the love and respect you showed. You are all clearly good friends and very close.

If you don't mind writing it all out again, we would be very grateful :whistle:;)

Much love and respect

You ruined it?
Seriously though don't feel bad about spoiling it..
I can't believe you did that...
You do realise that it is my job to cause trouble on here... Go find another job..


11 December 2016
First impressions before meeting fellow members @Admin and @Pearls lovely couple from the first day of joining.
@meet_the_fockers well I was always in awe but also wary of her in the beginning but geez how wrong can you get a person ,truthful,honest,funny, makes you giggle like mad when she posts in threads or on posts, but I like that she says it as is ,a multitude of respect for this lady xx
Lots of members from way back to present day each with their own eccentricities and fun ways .
A pleasure to be part of a wonderful ever developing site
5 July 2016
First impressions before meeting fellow members @Admin and @Pearls lovely couple from the first day of joining.
@meet_the_fockers well I was always in awe but also wary of her in the beginning but geez how wrong can you get a person ,truthful,honest,funny, makes you giggle like mad when she posts in threads or on posts, but I like that she says it as is ,a multitude of respect for this lady xx
Lots of members from way back to present day each with their own eccentricities and fun ways .
A pleasure to be part of a wonderful ever developing site
We couldn't agree with you more on all points :love:

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5 July 2016
Good Afternnoon SS.
Sorry we didn't get to post yesterday. We are on the ball today with another victim volunteer.

@meandlis has agreed to let us discuss our 'First Impressions' of them.

We shall begin.

'Me' known only to us as the mysterious 'QM':-
It became apparent to us immediately that QM is seriously quick witted, sharp as a tack, sarcasm his forte. We envisage that he loves a right good wind up.
Clearly a learned man with a high intellect. He must put hours and hours into writing the weekly quiz (either that or he rewrites Wikipedia to suit his own ends). From this we would conclude that he loves to be the host of a gathering of his RL friends.
We would also deduce he is a pacifist and political views would be considered 'left wing'.
Baldrick pictures QM always in a smoking jacket with a Brandy and Cigar in the Billiard Room :rofl:.

Lis:- Sadly the only thing we know about Lis is that she is called Lis. We have not interacted as of yet therefore not been able to form an opinion. Is she the 'Harley Quinn' to QM's 'The Joker'? Is she QM's conscience? We hope to find out some day.

Please have your say and let everybody know your first impressions of @meandlis.




18 July 2015
@meandlis are dear friends of ours and the most beautiful people you would ever get to meet, we have known them now for a while and have become regulars at ours, has to be birds eye peas for Liz... You are spot on guys and what I will say is, Liz, complete nutter, never cross her though :eek: she scares me :D
If I could sum them both up in one word, it would be Beautiful :love:
5 July 2016
@meandlis are dear friends of ours and the most beautiful people you would ever get to meet, we have known them now for a while and have become regulars at ours, has to be birds eye peas for Liz... You are spot on guys and what I will say is, Liz, complete nutter, never cross her though :eek: she scares me :D
If I could sum them both up in one word, it would be Beautiful :love:
When you say spot on, you mean QM actually does drink brandy and smoke cigars in the Billiard Room wearing his smoking jacket? Or does he rewrite Wikipedia to his own devilish ends? :D


Deleted member 1030

We envisage that he loves a right good wind up.
Clearly a learned man with a high intellect.
:D No. But thank you :D
he rewrites Wikipedia to suit his own ends
:cautious: Who grassed?
he loves to be the host of a gathering of his RL friends.
Is she the 'Harley Quinn' to QM's 'The Joker'? Is she QM's conscience?
She's both. With a Cockney accent.
We hope to find out some day.
We hope so too :)
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15 September 2014
Good Afternnoon SS.
Sorry we didn't get to post yesterday. We are on the ball today with another victim volunteer.

@meandlis has agreed to let us discuss our 'First Impressions' of them.

We shall begin.

'Me' known only to us as the mysterious 'QM':-
It became apparent to us immediately that QM is seriously quick witted, sharp as a tack, sarcasm his forte. We envisage that he loves a right good wind up.
Clearly a learned man with a high intellect. He must put hours and hours into writing the weekly quiz (either that or he rewrites Wikipedia to suit his own ends). From this we would conclude that he loves to be the host of a gathering of his RL friends.
We would also deduce he is a pacifist and political views would be considered 'left wing'.
Baldrick pictures QM always in a smoking jacket with a Brandy and Cigar in the Billiard Room :rofl:.

Lis:- Sadly the only thing we know about Lis is that she is called Lis. We have not interacted as of yet therefore not been able to form an opinion. Is she the 'Harley Quinn' to QM's 'The Joker'? Is she QM's conscience? We hope to find out some day.

Please have your say and let everybody know your first impressions of @meandlis.


Although I don't wish to create a situation of having another member of staff chiming in, I have to add - that we've met @meandlis many times and as @Pearls said, they're beautiful people. Mad.. crazy.. but you couldn't ask for better friends and 'Me' is a personal confindante to/for me and has been for some time. If I get stuck on some things or question my own decisions I know I can turn to him and he will explore things with me (oh do behave you naughty minded lot :whistle: ). This is a testament to his care, kindness and intellect.

Lis is mad - scares me too lol but we love her for her. She's a rock and as honest as they come.
They're soul mates. 100% and I only said this to @meandlis on the phone recently, that it's clear to us both they're soul mates and meant for each other.

A very perceptive post and thought process @Baldricknkaz which is eerily accurate... kudos. :tiphat:

Deleted member 1030

@meandlis are dear friends of ours and the most beautiful people you would ever get to meet, we have known them now for a while and have become regulars at ours, has to be birds eye peas for Liz... You are spot on guys and what I will say is, Liz, complete nutter, never cross her though :eek: she scares me :D
If I could sum them both up in one word, it would be Beautiful :love:
You just made our eyes sweat a little bit xx :love:
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15 September 2014
Oooooofff pass me the shovel, I'll start digging :palm:

Thank you very much :tiphat:. Maybe We should switch careers to be profilers :hmm::D

Now what was epic here, is we were both trying to fix the quotes at the same time :D
Yes maybe you should... :whistle:
5 July 2016
Now what was epic here, is we were both trying to fix the quotes at the same time :D
Yes maybe you should... :whistle:

Brilliant :rofl:

I watch how you staff break your quotes up and I'm trying to teach myself so I can reply to seperate comments like you guys do. I guess it's my engineers brain trying to figure it out :rofl:.
I'll do more practice. I think I've sussed it now. I mustn't get my forward/backward slashes mixed up :confused:

B x
5 July 2016
Highlight the text you want to quote and click reply ;)
I could've sworn that I have never seen a reply button before, however there it is now infront of my very eyes :confused:

I was literally copying and pasting posts and manually typing 'quote' with the various slashes & brackets the old school way :palm:
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15 September 2014
I could've sworn that I have never seen a reply button before, however there it is now infront of my very eyes :confused:
You can hit 'quick reply', highlight and copy/quote or direct quote for multi quotes.
You can even split one post up into two quotes if needed.
I was literally copying and pasting posts and manually typing 'quote' with the various slashes & brackets the old school way :palm:
Like so. :)