Size does not matter

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16044
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Deleted member 8095

why do not you take your discussion of that which you are hijacking my post with to another thread thank you kindly
I can work out who I do not want to be associated with if you think you can rudely trash someones post
I will do it to yours
I've thought about this since you posted your rant, I'll be polite but blunt when I say stop being childish and throwing your rattle out of the pram, this is A thread not YOURS, you may be the OP but that's it, the thread evolves and takes its direction as the members see fit and unless we are being rude or disrespectful then there should be no issue. Please feel free to trash whatever you like but that simply shows your true colours and does not reflect upon any of us, enjoy the rest of your day.

Deleted member 3175

@diamondseekingrock2020 I don’t normally comment so much on threads, but I think you need to relax a little bit. This is a “social” site and threads always get highjacked in some way or another and threatening to thrash other people’s threads is not a very nice thing to do. We’re all here for the same reason, take it with a pinch of salt, again life is too short S x

Deleted member 16044

but it is unsocialable to do that, that is my point
it is okay
I do not fit in here anyway said that last week
so if someone trashes your posts not just once but twice how does that make me feel
I am human not a robot I have feelings

admin please message me in private

Deleted member 3175

but it is unsocialable to do that, that is my point
it is okay
I do not fit in here anyway said that last week
so if someone trashes your posts not just once but twice how does that make me feel
I am human not a robot I have feelings

admin please message me in private

It’s not unsociable. Have you read some of the other threads? Many of them go off track, it’s life it’s banter and it’s not offensive. If some has been rude/nasty or offensive then yes it’s an issue. I understand you have your opinions and I respect that, but you have only been on site a week, none of us are robots and we all have feelings, so I do not understand what the problem is? S xx


9 November 2015
This has been brewing for a while , I’ve made my feelings clear to Site Admin on certain things .... if I trashed the thread i apologise ... it’s all about the “craic” as they say in Ireland ....
As for size if you believe I have preferences please read my verifications and the people I’ve met and interacted with and you may or may not realise I’m more about the person how they interact here with me and in person , I don’t do argumentative people .. i come here just for fun .... :tiphat:
20 January 2020
This is for everyone who is of the more fuller figure, it is okay to feel sexy and good, you do not have to dress to impress, do it for you and embrace your body.
I am tired of seeing magazines full of the other figure because for years that is all the media portrays
I hate it when guys message me and say 'big tits they must be heavy '

this is not me
but the fuller figure ladies should feel this way if they want to that is

What do you think that size matters?

Do you think it is important to make people feel good no matter what size they are?
Nope not at all I can find something sexy about everyone