Size does not matter

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Deleted member 3175

@diamondseekingrock2020 society is just the way it is, we are bombarded with images of smaller supposedly “perfect” women and to be honest it’s going to take a lot to change that. People should embrace larger fuller figures but if they don’t like them, then simply they won’t. I’m a fuller figured lady and to be honest couldn’t give a damm what people think, if someone likes me pics great if not then they shouldn’t look.
The POTM was fabulous yes she was “smaller” “less fuller” but that is her, who she is and people, men and woman liked it and voted for it. I have been POTM in the past as has many other larger “fuller” figured ladies. It is what it is, people will either embrace you or not. It’s as simple as that. If you’re happy with who you are then who cares, enjoy it, be you and let the others get on with their own lives! Life’s too short. S xxx
24 June 2019
Another way to look at size is this; a girl may look at J and think she is fat because she isn't a size 8. I myself am classified as clinically obese as I am 32 on the BMI chart but I am attractive to some.

But does size really matter? No! Or ... yes, from a man's point of view as we all want a bigger cock!!

Creating a food disorder or having a problem with the way you look does effect the way we feel - my niece has a food disorder, to talk about size in this way could trigger feelings that are detrimental to others ... for this reason I personally think this thread is wrong. R
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24 June 2019
I respectfully disagree. We're an adult site, age based over 21+. If we can't have civilised discussions over mature topics, then we may as well shy away and have an echo chamber life where one receives applaud, from others who share the same thoughts.
But we are all built differently. Some of us have as society dictates a ‘body to die for’ and others struggle with their weight and metabolism and seriously cannot do anything about that. I’m all for civilised discussion. Weight has such an impact where mental health issues are concerned. I’m just saying that size, for me, does not matter. R
11 November 2019
But we are all built differently. Some of us have as society dictates a ‘body to die for’ and others struggle with their weight and metabolism and seriously cannot do anything about that. I’m all for civilised discussion. Weight has such an impact where mental health issues are concerned. I’m just saying that size, for me, does not matter. R
True words! R?????
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19 March 2015
But we are all built differently. Some of us have as society dictates a ‘body to die for’ and others struggle with their weight and metabolism and seriously cannot do anything about that. I’m all for civilised discussion. Weight has such an impact where mental health issues are concerned. I’m just saying that size, for me, does not matter. R
Okay so based on your argument, would you meet with a single guy?
No, you would not. This is a preference of yours.
What if you met someone who instantaneously clicked with you both but was size 4, or size 42. Would you then oblige purely based on personality?
You stated this thread is wrong because it has "triggers".
I ask you but why?
Why is it wrong to discuss whether it's important or not to respect preferences of others?
Weight, size is of no concern per-se to us... but I wouldn't suggest it is wrong to discuss such matters.
Just as you have in your profile "No single guys". That is the same thing, no?
So it's a tad hypocritical to say we cannot discuss whether weight would influence your decision to meet with other people, when you have stated clearly - no single guys....
Size to the majority of people is not of importance, same as shade of skin, sexuality, gender, like-mindedness....

You also stated that this thread "is wrong" - and I ask you, why is it wrong? Is it wrong based on your own emotions and feelings because of a family member, or is it wrong because you don't agree with the subject matter?

BTW, I am not instigating tension here, but will definitely question why it's acceptable for one thing but not another. ?
9 January 2018
Ok I've now read every post in this thread and my head is spinning. So here's my 2c

Does size matter? Of course it does, to some people. Others won't give a fuck. To me it only matters in as much as I am not attracted to extremes. Attraction depends more on attitude than looks and anyone that has a chip on their shoulder fails the attitude test for me.
In answer to @Pearls question about POTM I can only say that I don't often vote and when I do it can be for different reasons, sometimes because it is just a good picture, sometimes a funny one and sometimes because the person's personality just shines through the photo. Just because I vote for a photo or 'like' it doesn't mean I want to shag them every time.



18 July 2015
I think this thread has raised valid points and no way is it wrong. We live in such a snow flake mamby pamby society now, we have to watch everything we say for being accused of so much. If you can not be honest on what you like, dislike in this scene then gawd help us all. There would be no sex or the complete opposite where all the lovers of all will shag everyone. Ffs it’s ok to discuss preference in gender but we can’t mention size. We are all doomed.


9 November 2015
I think this thread has raised valid points and no way is it wrong. We live in such a snow flake mamby pamby society now, we have to watch everything we say for being accused of so much. If you can not be honest on what you like, dislike in this scene then gawd help us all. There would be no sex or the complete opposite where all the lovers of all will shag everyone. Ffs it’s ok to discuss preference in gender but we can’t mention size. We are all doomed.
There’s only one place size matters ;) Turbochargers the bigger they are the more they Suck ...:tiphat::tiphat: