Size does not matter

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24 June 2019
I would agree with that assesment yes, but then I've always got that feeling on this site and to be totally honest have never (that I can recall), seen anything to seriously suggest otherwise. I believe that sometimes our own self imposed views of ourselves can skew our interpretation of what others may be trying to convey and also we must remember that a message cannot fully convey emotion or sentiment and therefore it boils down to how the individual "de-codes" the message. That's just my 2p's worth!! (P)

We were typing at the same time ‘skew’ - lol - and the essence of what we have said is the same. Psychic! ?


9 November 2015
I have held back from commenting until today for fear of offending by saying the wrong thing because I do have a tendency to open my mouth and put my foot in it (I’m not really that flexible!?) and the written word can so often be misinterpreted and the best of intentions skewed ... so I’ll hold my breath and just say ...

For me other people’s size doesn’t matter. My own does. I can’t deny that. I have a healthy relationship now with my own size but I didn’t used to. However, none of that impacts on how I look at others.

I’m a live and let live girl. I don’t judge on size or much else for that matter. Primarily and in all walks of my life if you click with me, make me laugh, fire my brain (and body if that’s part of our link) and want a give as well as take relationship then you’re cool. Size doesn’t come into any of that.
You should never worry about putting your opinion forward especially here .... your a part of out deviant community so speak out ..... :tiphat:
We all ,maybe not all have insecurities about how we look , but since being here the way I see myself probably hasn’t changed , the good thing is the way others see me (some others :lol:) .... that’s always a boost to anyone’s ego ..
Size doesn’t make any difference it’s the person within that matters ..


We all come in different sizes( boys and girls), shape, colour and the taste ?..
Mmmm especially the taste... ???

Now correct me if I am wrong but that's the beauty off it.

... can U imagine how ugly world would be if we all lookalike ....

So size matter, and my voice goes for diversity and horny Sundays afternoons


Deleted member 16044

When it comes to swinging or indeed just sex wtf has size got to do with it, personality and sense of humour come way before that !

no click no lick simple !!
for some it has a lot to do with it
some do not even get a look in and I am saying men and women here
what is the first thing that attracts you to someone?
Fuller figure ladies against a slim woman ...I have seen one comment on here which made me think shit why have I NOT got a body to die for.
Thanks though for saying humour wins over size x not all see bodies as that

Deleted member 16044

I've been pondering this and really can't see that :bouncy: can be seen as in anyway derogatory!

Doesn't it just mean "Great Tits"?
I would just like to add that when you have not met someone, a message could mean nothing at all and that is where I find it hard, if you would not text them or be with them in real life why bother, I can't flirt with someone I have not met before it would not feel right, sure after one meeting and I feel comfortable then yes.
Symbols can mean anything in a text especially with a stranger how would I know what he is saying if they just sent an abundance of them with no message attached. If you are saying that symbol means great tits....?

Deleted member 16044

We all come in different sizes( boys and girls), shape, colour and the taste ?..
Mmmm especially the taste... ???

Now correct me if I am wrong but that's the beauty off it.

... can U imagine how ugly world would be if we all lookalike ....

So size matter, and my voice goes for diversity and horny Sundays afternoons

exactly, some guys do not like fuller figure women, I can tell a lot here would not touch my figure with a barge pole, the slim woman gets all the attention, ive seen it on here, I have seen it in life too, ive met guys who run off when they see me in real life because I am fuller figure. Yes, it is good to be different shapes and sizes and we all have preferencesx

Deleted member 16044

fuller figures against slim women have over the years got more attention and this is not an attention seeking post at all it is just that I am trying to see how important body size matters, you all have great figures but that does not mean, we label, we should be complimenting each other, embracing bodies and even saying to fuller figure ladies, you have a figure that most people would die for! I will leave this post now.
Just remember we are humans behind this keyboard who are sensitive and have feelings and embrace bodies no need to put them down with symbols or senseless messages. Most of you have been great and made me feel welcome despite me being the fuller figure. Great to be amongst new aquaintances perhaps on some of the socials first one being in February. I will hope that when I meet you at the Hotel we can talk and just that. I am not going to think it is about getting leg overs or lucky as that is not me! Social, mines a pint of swinging! x


18 July 2015
Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread :D
Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.

When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.

We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.

I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what we like. Does that make us bad people for having a preference? Sorry but why bullshit and say you’ll meet anyone when that would be a lie. Shallow? Hell no, just being honest.

This is purely for fun, nothing more and if along the way a person comes along that we would meet again it’s down to having a great time and all building a good friendship.

So size, age looks and personality comes as a whole and something we as a couple look at all aspects.

So being the only person here that believes size does matter due to personal choice then why is it there seems to be some contradictions with some replies here. All you have to do is look at other threads when it comes to what you are looking for!

If size doesn’t matter then ffs please tell me how an account won potm last month that was a very young size 8 stunner with no verification and had only spent an hour here and never spoke or showed any personality!!
Would it had been the case if that person had been a size 24 or over? No.

Please don’t tell me that size doesn’t matter. Other posts and behaviour tells another story.

Let the slaughter begin. Sorry folks but I’ll always be honest with you all and is it sad we are the only ones who believe in what looks good on the outside. We are all beautiful but we can all have a personal preferences other wise we wouldn’t be human ?

Deleted member 16044

Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread :D
Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.

When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.

We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.

I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what we like. Does that make us bad people for having a preference? Sorry but why bullshit and say you’ll meet anyone when that would be a lie. Shallow? Hell no, just being honest.

This is purely for fun, nothing more and if along the way a person comes along that we would meet again it’s down to having a great time and all building a good friendship.

So size, age looks and personality comes as a whole and something we as a couple look at all aspects.

So being the only person here that believes size does matter due to personal choice then why is it there seems to be some contradictions with some replies here. All you have to do is look at other threads when it comes to what you are looking for!

If size doesn’t matter then ffs please tell me how an account won potm last month that was a very young size 8 stunner with no verification and had only spent an hour here and never spoke or showed any personality!!
Would it had been the case if that person had been a size 24 or over? No.

Please don’t tell me that size doesn’t matter. Other posts and behaviour tells another story.

Let the slaughter begin. Sorry folks but I’ll always be honest with you all and is it sad we are the only ones who believe in what looks good on the outside. We are all beautiful but we can all have a personal preferences other wise we wouldn’t be human ?
first thing it shows you care x

Deleted member 8095

I (Lou) am a fuller figured woman, i have a large belly, thick thighs and calfs, very ample breasts and every other asset that goes with that. I have been on this site for just over 2 years and i get as much attention from guys, gals and couples as the next woman, whatever her size. I disagree that we have that mentality on this site, it may of happened to others but i have never experienced it. I personally have found this site empowering for me and has helped enable me to grow in confidence that my body is perfect the way it is. If it wasn't for the members we have met and the positive comments we have received on our media i feel that i MAY have never have regained the confidence i had in my youth. Xx Lou xx

Deleted member 16044

I do care about too much some times but I love honesty. Life is pointless without it ?
caring is being honest
some people struggle with being honest and on my first day here found out the hard way. Two guys flirting with me, deep down they had no interest in me at all, so why? ONE thing I cannot stand in anyone male or female is being dishonest, I am not some slim model, although once was asked to do modelling I was too slim to model fuller figure clothes!
11 November 2019
Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread :D
Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.

When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.

We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.

I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what we like. Does that make us bad people for having a preference? Sorry but why bullshit and say you’ll meet anyone when that would be a lie. Shallow? Hell no, just being honest.

This is purely for fun, nothing more and if along the way a person comes along that we would meet again it’s down to having a great time and all building a good friendship.

So size, age looks and personality comes as a whole and something we as a couple look at all aspects.

So being the only person here that believes size does matter due to personal choice then why is it there seems to be some contradictions with some replies here. All you have to do is look at other threads when it comes to what you are looking for!

If size doesn’t matter then ffs please tell me how an account won potm last month that was a very young size 8 stunner with no verification and had only spent an hour here and never spoke or showed any personality!!
Would it had been the case if that person had been a size 24 or over? No.

Please don’t tell me that size doesn’t matter. Other posts and behaviour tells another story.

Let the slaughter begin. Sorry folks but I’ll always be honest with you all and is it sad we are the only ones who believe in what looks good on the outside. We are all beautiful but we can all have a personal preferences other wise we wouldn’t be human ?
I’d prefer a tanned skin to a Lilly white but that don’t mean I’m not attracted to Lilly white skin it’s just my thing? That’s more a hang up than a preference I think? I might be wrong?

Deleted member 16044

caring is being honest
some people struggle with being honest and on my first day here found out the hard way. Two guys flirting with me, deep down they had no interest in me at all, so why? ONE thing I cannot stand in anyone male or female is being dishonest, I am not some slim model, although once was asked to do modelling I was too slim to model fuller figure clothes!
It is also about acceptance, accepting people for what they are in a package when it comes to swinging, it is about everything, ive met some great people in my life time swinging, some not so great but I always accepted them for who, what they are I did not once think about the fact that they are in life put into labels we are very much a labelling society.


18 July 2015
I’d prefer a tanned skin to a Lilly white but that don’t mean I’m not attracted to Lilly white skin it’s just my thing? That’s more a hang up than a preference I think? I might be wrong?
It comes down to what you prefer, don’t be afraid of saying it for being afraid of offending, I think most don’t have the balls to be completely honest due to fear of not having the meet. I love dark hair and skin but that doesn’t mean I’d say no to meeting someone who is blonde. Which we have done. I have massive boobs and big hips, not everyone likes that and I would prefer them to say they aren’t interested because of that and not give a bullshit excuse.
We eat with our eyes remember so everything comes into play in my opinion ??
24 June 2019
Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread :D
Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.

When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.

We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.

I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what we like. Does that make us bad people for having a preference? Sorry but why bullshit and say you’ll meet anyone when that would be a lie. Shallow? Hell no, just being honest.

This is purely for fun, nothing more and if along the way a person comes along that we would meet again it’s down to having a great time and all building a good friendship.

So size, age looks and personality comes as a whole and something we as a couple look at all aspects.

So being the only person here that believes size does matter due to personal choice then why is it there seems to be some contradictions with some replies here. All you have to do is look at other threads when it comes to what you are looking for!

If size doesn’t matter then ffs please tell me how an account won potm last month that was a very young size 8 stunner with no verification and had only spent an hour here and never spoke or showed any personality!!
Would it had been the case if that person had been a size 24 or over? No.

Please don’t tell me that size doesn’t matter. Other posts and behaviour tells another story.

Let the slaughter begin. Sorry folks but I’ll always be honest with you all and is it sad we are the only ones who believe in what looks good on the outside. We are all beautiful but we can all have a personal preferences other wise we wouldn’t be human ?

You see, it’s odd because before being here and in this lifestyle my instant reaction would have been yes absolutely size matters, yes physical appearance matters and I suppose being totally honest there are some things appearance wise that might turn me off but I really don’t think it’s all down to size for me. I know what I like and what turns me on in terms of appearance and size (I totally know what attracted me to R) but I’ve surprised myself at the ‘range’ shall we say of men who have turned me on in this lifestyle and none have been consistent in terms of size ... I need a bit more than that so I am looking a bit deeper ... maybe it’s because we are new here? Maybe my outlook might change. Time will tell!

Deleted member 8095

Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread :D
Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.

When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.

We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.

I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what
The only thing i would add to this is that it is subjective, so what you find attractive is not what the next person does if you get what I mean. Xx Lou xx??


18 July 2015
The only thing i would add to this is that it is subjective, so what you find attractive is not what the next person does if you get what I mean. Xx Lou xx??
It proves a point though with potm last month. I hear you and @Jaynerobert above. We are not shallow but we all look at a photo and see candy or not. I love the female body but I simply wouldn’t meet a size zero or a very obese lady. Does that make us bad people? Do I dislike you due to size? No. Then I have the choice of having sex with you yes.
I’m a peoples person and socialise with anyone if I think you’re a good crack but it doesn’t mean I want to jump into bed with everyone I meet as we all can’t fancy everyone ?

Deleted member 16044

It comes down to what you prefer, don’t be afraid of saying it for being afraid of offending, I think most don’t have the balls to be completely honest due to fear of not having the meet. I love dark hair and skin but that doesn’t mean I’d say no to meeting someone who is blonde. Which we have done. I have massive boobs and big hips, not everyone likes that and I would prefer them to say they aren’t interested because of that and not give a bullshit excuse.
We eat with our eyes remember so everything comes into play in my opinion ??
I would love to find someone to have great times with but I find it harder and harder every year, as long as we click and can have a laugh and enjoy the company I do not care for anything for it is about looking beyond that body, fuller figures are looked past, why are magazines not full of fuller figures, it is also diet this diet that and media makes you think shit I need to drop 10 dress sizes for a guy to even look at me. No fuck em! so to speak we are made how we are made and if you cannot accept me for being fuller figure then jog on. I will not go on a diet to please the male population or the man I was with I would change him for someone who wants me for being me not that is the case.
Love each other, not that romantic love, go and meet people who you fancy but the whole thing
and lets see more compliments for fuller figure ladies but no symbols speak in words


18 July 2015
It proves a point though with potm last month. I hear you and @Jaynerobert above. We are not shallow but we all look at a photo and see candy or not. I love the female body but I simply wouldn’t meet a size zero or a very obese lady. Does that make us bad people? Do I dislike you due to size? No. Then I have the choice of having sex with you yes.
I’m a peoples person and socialise with anyone if I think you’re a good crack but it doesn’t mean I want to jump into bed with everyone I meet as we all can’t fancy everyone ?
I’m not sure if I’ve made that clear on what I mean. If you know what I mean ?


18 July 2015
I would love to find someone to have great times with but I find it harder and harder every year, as long as we click and can have a laugh and enjoy the company I do not care for anything for it is about looking beyond that body, fuller figures are looked past, why are magazines not full of fuller figures, it is also diet this diet that and media makes you think shit I need to drop 10 dress sizes for a guy to even look at me. No fuck em! so to speak we are made how we are made and if you cannot accept me for being fuller figure then jog on. I will not go on a diet to please the male population or the man I was with I would change him for someone who wants me for being me not that is the case.
Love each other, not that romantic love, go and meet people who you fancy but the whole thing
and lets see more compliments for fuller figure ladies but no symbols speak in words
Nothing wrong with the fuller figure, diet is another subject and health. Only do it for yourself. As for models, I won’t condone size zero or obese models like Tess Holiday, I feel both ends are promoting serious health issues. There needs to be a middle ground.