Ok does size matter?
I can only speak from me/us personally after having a few chats this morning over this very thread

Single me out if you wish and tbh I must be the only one here that has this view so what that makes me.. I don’t know.
Size does matter, along with looks, age and personality to a certain extent. Here’s my reason why.
When I met Mr A, I was attracted to his physical appearance, it was all about sex at the beginning and how much we wanted to jump each other’s bones. Did I fall in love with him as a person? Yes and everything else.
We are here meeting people for sex, I don’t care about what is underneath, as long as we can have a laugh, enjoy each other’s company then happy days, we are not looking for anything deeper so how can you simply say the outside doesn’t matter, we eat with our eyes.
I love boobs, I love curves, Mr A loves hips and bums but he doesn’t fancy a size zero or a person that is extremely obese, neither do I. For us there is a balance in the middle and that’s what we like. Does that make us bad people for having a preference? Sorry but why bullshit and say you’ll meet anyone when that would be a lie. Shallow? Hell no, just being honest.
This is purely for fun, nothing more and if along the way a person comes along that we would meet again it’s down to having a great time and all building a good friendship.
So size, age looks and personality comes as a whole and something we as a couple look at all aspects.
So being the only person here that believes size does matter due to personal choice then why is it there seems to be some contradictions with some replies here. All you have to do is look at other threads when it comes to what you are looking for!
If size doesn’t matter then ffs please tell me how an account won potm last month that was a very young size 8 stunner with no verification and had only spent an hour here and never spoke or showed any personality!!
Would it had been the case if that person had been a size 24 or over? No.
Please don’t tell me that size doesn’t matter. Other posts and behaviour tells another story.
Let the slaughter begin. Sorry folks but I’ll always be honest with you all and is it sad we are the only ones who believe in what looks good on the outside. We are all beautiful but we can all have a personal preferences other wise we wouldn’t be human ?