Here goes... Coronavirus.

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11 November 2019
They just said on radio 2. If you can’t stay at home then it’s deeply selfish. I hope all these muppets get fines ??
Lock them up when this pandemic is beat??‍♀️??‍♀️Take their details and swab then for dna and get back to them later,when is back to normal????
19 March 2020
In terms of time, we are 2 weeks behind Italy and their cases is starting to slow down, but in terms of case numbers, we are 4-5 days behind them. It looks like our case rate will be a lot higher than Italy's :(
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Reactions: Dangerous690
19 March 2020
Welp, it looks like I'm in the 5% that isn't covered by the financial aid announced yesterday, and my revenue this month is approx 20% of what it should have been. I'm expecting that to drop even further as the death toll rises and people realise they should not be in holiday mode.
19 March 2015
In terms of time, we are 2 weeks behind Italy and their cases is starting to slow down, but in terms of case numbers, we are 4-5 days behind them. It looks like our case rate will be a lot higher than Italy's :(
Italy have it really bad. Spain is sadly worse. The scary thing is, it’s not peaked in either of the two countries. It’s coming at us, but I hope that our actions, will have saved lives and will help in the dampening of spread. X