Bareback? Thoughts on it and why/why not?

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A guy took it off and passed it to another man, putting aside the most important health issues there, wrong on so many levels!!! Using a second hand jonni - hell no. Don't blame you for stopping play. The morality of doing that warrants a red card straight away.


Reminds us of a story going around Plymouth when i was young. A sailor went to the MO, who told him he'd got the clap. The sailor was upset and said he'd used a condom on the prostitute. When the MO questioned him further, it turned out he and a mate had a threesome with the girl; his mate had gone first and used a condom, then taken it off and given it to this sailor, who had turned it inside out and put it on. Wouldn't surprise me if it was true, knowing how Jack carries on ashore!

We don't use condoms with a very few long-term friends. Yes, we know the risks and we have check-ups. It does add dramatically to the experience. We do use them other long-term friends and new people. Neither of us have used condoms or dental dams for oral since our teens, and have never had any problems from doing that.
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I see so many pics of people going unprotected. Shocking :eek:
Indeed.. absolutely..

Out of curiosity.
If you knew someone was barebacking, constantly!!
Would you, tell others that they where playing with? Or would you say nothing.
Just curious.
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Reminds us of a story going around Plymouth when i was young. A sailor went to the MO, who told him he'd got the clap. The sailor was upset and said he'd used a condom on the prostitute. When the MO questioned him further, it turned out he and a mate had a threesome with the girl; his mate had gone first and used a condom, then taken it off and given it to this sailor, who had turned it inside out and put it on. Wouldn't surprise me if it was true, knowing how Jack carries on ashore!

We don't use condoms with a very few long-term friends. Yes, we know the risks and we have check-ups. It does add dramatically to the experience. We do use them other long-term friends and new people. Neither of us have used condoms or dental dams for oral since our teens, and have never had any problems from doing that.
Yes you are taking risks and that is of course, you perogative, but i'm sure the people you play with are, aware of this.


Yes you are taking risks and that is of course, you perogative, but i'm sure the people you play with are, aware of this.
My angst is when.. other partners are blissfully unaware.. or are assuming, they are of course the only person, they are infact barebacking with. X
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My angst is when.. other partners are blissfully unaware.. or are assuming, they are of course the only person, they are infact barebacking with. X

Agree, the safest course is to use condoms with everyone apart from your other half. But we and our bareback friends are consenting adults who have discussed the risks but decided to play that way. The pair of us bareback with more than one other couple and they're all aware of that. None of us promiscuously bareback with all swinging partners, we use condoms with people we are not VERY good friends with (we've seen our friends using condoms at parties and they've seen us doing the same). Probably being from the pre-AIDS generation has influenced what we all do; in those days most women took on the pill; they and most men expected no-condom sex, even for casual fucks. Condoms were just used for encounters where the woman wasn't using other contraception, and with working girls.

Would stress we are NOT recommending bareback swinging, it's something we came to do later on in the lifestyle. We can understand how some people are very unhappy about the idea.


Well you have been lucky and stay safe xxxx
You've been propagandized into fearing what is actually a low risk. She's been "lucky" because she's been selective. While others think the condom is magical protection, kiss through saran wrap, lick on a dental dam, what do you need the other person for? Any day now I half expected to see full body condoms promoted as the only safe method. A whole generation so afraid of dying that they don't dare to actually live.


You've been propagandized into fearing what is actually a low risk. She's been "lucky" because she's been selective. While others think the condom is magical protection, kiss through saran wrap, lick on a dental dam, what do you need the other person for? Any day now I half expected to see full body condoms promoted as the only safe method. A whole generation so afraid of dying that they don't dare to actually live.
Its not magical, and of course certainly not fool proof.. but i should say its a tad more magical? Than using nothing...


Sex with others is magical for us anyway! We have some sympathy for @Lewd95670 's view as both of us mostly barebacked when we were younger, but those were the pre-AIDS days and we wouldn't think of barebacking with strangers or most swinger friends now. We save BB for our very special friends. We don't use condoms or dental dams for oral though, swinging should be uninhibited and spontaneous fun - using these would make things too mechanical and joyless, in our opinion.
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26 July 2016
We always use condoms with other but not together. I have been snipped so no real reason other than STIs for using them really. Must admit we have turned couples down that have played with BB couples just cos we don't think that they take the catching of something seriously so they are not think about our health either. It might not be right but that's how it is


11 August 2015
You've been propagandized into fearing what is actually a low risk.

But it is still a risk. Personally one that I'm not prepared to gamble on for my own health and because of the possibility that I could catch an STI and pass it on before I even knew I was infected. Is that fair to others?
Ok as a male wearing a condom does affect my sensitivity and can delay my orgasm so if you look at it like that I have fun for longer and stay safer than I would if not using any protection.
Its always a decision that you and your partner have to make but I think the comment by @BoltonBiFemCpl sums it up nicely:
Must admit we have turned couples down that have played with BB couples just cos we don't think that they take the catching of something seriously so they are not think about our health either
26 July 2016
Last time I wore my wellies in the shower was nearly 20 years ago , and seeing as Mrs 666 and myself have been together and free from other partners since being together 17 years we know we are clear . But coming into this clear we would like to stay that way so I have no issues what so ever in making my little man look like a bank robber .
Problem is of course STDs can be passed by oral and tribbing etc , which is something at least one of us is hoping to take place and not convinced that any amount of dental dams , cling film or gaffa tape is going to significantly lessen any risk , unless of course we bag ourselves a 24 year old virgin unicorn .... ( stop laughing there MIGHT be one out there) , we've accepted coming into this that there is a risk , maybe only a small one , but it's a risk we are willing to take .


You've been propagandized into fearing what is actually a low risk. She's been "lucky" because she's been selective. While others think the condom is magical protection, kiss through saran wrap, lick on a dental dam, what do you need the other person for? Any day now I half expected to see full body condoms promoted as the only safe method. A whole generation so afraid of dying that they don't dare to actually live.
Well for my 2 Pence worth, it's a proven fact, propagandists or not, that when used correctly condoms, dental dams etc significantly reduce the spread of STI's and pregnancies, and in a massive way, We all as swingers know the risks involved with unprotected sex, (especially in this day and age) and should act responsibly to maintain everyone's safety, however, we all know this will never be the case and many people choose to opt out of protection against these risks.
The choice as adults is yours and yours alone on the day, please make it an informed one, that you as an adult can live by, and always agree to respect other couples/singles decisions if they opt to use protection, or to maybe change their mind about playing, as that is their adult decision.
Nothing is as yet totally 100% guaranteed to prevent these infections, and life changing conditions, but they definately improve the odds and very significantly, so if you do choose to BB, be totally upfront and please inform any new partners very early on in the meeting, that you have done this previously to allow them to think about, and make a totally informed decision on this issue before the event takes place.
And with existing partners within swinging who you may see regularly tell them too, and long before the event, as they may wish as adults to change their mind.
Just my 2 pence worth
As always, @ShhhAgonyAunt
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Last time I wore my wellies in the shower was nearly 20 years ago , and seeing as Mrs 666 and myself have been together and free from other partners since being together 17 years we know we are clear . But coming into this clear we would like to stay that way so I have no issues what so ever in making my little man look like a bank robber .
Problem is of course STDs can be passed by oral and tribbing etc , which is something at least one of us is hoping to take place and not convinced that any amount of dental dams , cling film or gaffa tape is going to significantly lessen any risk , unless of course we bag ourselves a 24 year old virgin unicorn .... ( stop laughing there MIGHT be one out there) , we've accepted coming into this that there is a risk , maybe only a small one , but it's a risk we are willing to take .
Gaffa tape :rofl: im sure its been suggested to me before.. how rude gaffa tape on my mush.. :rolleyes:


Well for my 2 Pence worth, it's a proven fact, propagandists or not, that when used correctly condoms, dental dams etc significantly reduce the spread of STI's and pregnancies, and in a massive way, We all as swingers know the risks involved with unprotected sex, (especially in this day and age) and should act responsibly to maintain everyone's safety, however, we all know this will never be the case and many people choose to opt out of protection against these risks.
The choice as adults is yours and yours alone on the day, please make it an informed one, that you as an adult can live by, and always agree to respect other couples/singles decisions if they opt to use protection, or to maybe change their mind about playing, as that is their adult decision.
Nothing is as yet totally 100% guaranteed to prevent these infections, and life changing conditions, but they definately improve the odds and very significantly, so if you do choose to BB, be totally upfront and please inform any new partners very early on in the meeting, that you have done this previously to allow them to think about, and make a totally informed decision on this issue before the event takes place.
And with existing partners within swinging who you may see regularly tell them too, and long before the event, as they may wish as adults to change their mind.
Just my 2 pence worth
As always, @ShhhAgonyAunt
More that two pence worth there shagonyyyyyy ... blimey :D of course you are correct..:)
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15 September 2014
Last time I wore my wellies in the shower was nearly 20 years ago , and seeing as Mrs 666 and myself have been together and free from other partners since being together 17 years we know we are clear . But coming into this clear we would like to stay that way so I have no issues what so ever in making my little man look like a bank robber .
Problem is of course STDs can be passed by oral and tribbing etc , which is something at least one of us is hoping to take place and not convinced that any amount of dental dams , cling film or gaffa tape is going to significantly lessen any risk , unless of course we bag ourselves a 24 year old virgin unicorn .... ( stop laughing there MIGHT be one out there) , we've accepted coming into this that there is a risk , maybe only a small one , but it's a risk we are willing to take .
I wanted to rate funny, winner and agree all in one! :D
Brilliant post...
Well for my 2 Pence worth, it's a proven fact, propagandists or not, that when used correctly condoms, dental dams etc significantly reduce the spread of STI's and pregnancies, and in a massive way, We all as swingers know the risks involved with unprotected sex, (especially in this day and age) and should act responsibly to maintain everyone's safety, however, we all know this will never be the case and many people choose to opt out of protection against these risks.
The choice as adults is yours and yours alone on the day, please make it an informed one, that you as an adult can live by, and always agree to respect other couples/singles decisions if they opt to use protection, or to maybe change their mind about playing, as that is their adult decision.
Nothing is as yet totally 100% guaranteed to prevent these infections, and life changing conditions, but they definately improve the odds and very significantly, so if you do choose to BB, be totally upfront and please inform any new partners very early on in the meeting, that you have done this previously to allow them to think about, and make a totally informed decision on this issue before the event takes place.
And with existing partners within swinging who you may see regularly tell them too, and long before the event, as they may wish as adults to change their mind.
Just my 2 pence worth
As always, @ShhhAgonyAunt
Exactly. Your choice, but make it informed.
We on SS promote sexual health and safe sex. We cannot condone the risking of others through ill-informed choices.
For us we have to promote it and quite simply = no glove no love.
It's irresponsible for us to say otherwise.

A whole generation so afraid of dying that they don't dare to actually live.
Whilst I don't necessarily agree with all you said, I do agree with this sentence in general.
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