The most visible sign of the state of the Nation is how all over the UK the vote was out but London it was in. Says it all. Those with money and power wanted the EU, those who's lives were adversely effected by EU decisions didn't want it. Those with money live in London, along with their friends those in power. Personally I doubt that they will act on this, they will argue that we don't know our own mind, that we are wrong and that they must stay in to protect us from our stupidity....
Whatever I hope that this is a shake-up of the whole stupid EU situation. We could string out 1000 reasons why things needed to change but I think it is best summed up by one industry in this country, the fishing. I was always in favour of a business club, but what sort of business club is it where one section of the members decide that one of the members can no longer do an entire industry! Setting fishing quotas is right, fishing quotas where one member state is no longer to have any fish anymore and have to destroy all it's fishing fleets is just plain wrong. I see trouble ahead but I believe that we will have a better life in Europe as Europeans after this.