Eu....stay Or Go?

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18 July 2015
This is a true story of a little old lady who wanted to give her reason to leave the EU x
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Deleted member 3411

The most visible sign of the state of the Nation is how all over the UK the vote was out but London it was in. Says it all. Those with money and power wanted the EU, those who's lives were adversely effected by EU decisions didn't want it. Those with money live in London, along with their friends those in power. Personally I doubt that they will act on this, they will argue that we don't know our own mind, that we are wrong and that they must stay in to protect us from our stupidity....
Whatever I hope that this is a shake-up of the whole stupid EU situation. We could string out 1000 reasons why things needed to change but I think it is best summed up by one industry in this country, the fishing. I was always in favour of a business club, but what sort of business club is it where one section of the members decide that one of the members can no longer do an entire industry! Setting fishing quotas is right, fishing quotas where one member state is no longer to have any fish anymore and have to destroy all it's fishing fleets is just plain wrong. I see trouble ahead but I believe that we will have a better life in Europe as Europeans after this.


9 November 2015
I work in an industry that has been inundated with migrant workers that have driven wages down but demand for labour can drive an industry, if labour is short wages will inevitably rise but the down side is that a lot of projects may not go ahead and work becomes scares driving people out of work ...
As for rich people in London ... I was born in a London Borough and there are plenty living on the minimum wage which doesn't stretch as far as other parts of the country .... Everyone thinks the London and the South east is rich .. For some yes the majority no !! Having checked rates for my industry they are the same all over the country ...
Oh in case your wondering I did vote to stay in dispite what I have said ..
It now remains to be seen if it's right or wrong ...

Deleted member 3411

@MP386 for what it matters no I don't believe everybody in London is rich either, I'm just saying that those with the money in London do not appreciate the way that the rest of the country is. When the decision makers leave their door in the morning all they see is so rich people with their nice cars coming out of their very expensive houses and they believe that that is the how the world is in England.


9 November 2015
@MP386 for what it matters no I don't believe everybody in London is rich either, I'm just saying that those with the money in London do not appreciate the way that the rest of the country is. When the decision makers leave their door in the morning all they see is so rich people with their nice cars coming out of their very expensive houses and they believe that that is the how the world is in England.
Parliament has always been in London , but decision makers ..come from all over the country .. I am sure if you look in a lot of northern cities you will find plenty of rich people in nice cars who don't care to much about the other inhabitants .. Maybe a trip to Tower Hamlets or other parts of the East end of London or the old mining communities in Kent would show were not all so different across the country ... Sorry but I don't really believe in the stereotype North /South divide ..

Deleted member 3411

Oh true, there's poverty in all places. Seen plenty of poor when visiting Linda. I'm not stereotyping I was born in the North but grew up in the South. I just think the down the line those in power lost sight of who they supposed to be helping. Too many deals in Europe favoured big business in London at the detriment of other people in England. I'm not sure about the rest of Europe but I believe sometimes I live in the only country in the world where it's leaders celebrate that a foreign power has taken over parts of our industry and is happy to see original British Industries bulldozed and turned into warehouses ready to stock foreign goods.
I could go on but I don't think it's necessary, time will tell if it has been a good decision and not.
19 March 2015
I've not the first idea of what to vote.
Anybody got any views to sway me?
Amazing how even after a vote, we're now still arguing about what could be and what should be.

We, the people, voted OUT.
Stopp the bullshit, stop the drama, stop the shite, we've answered and said leave = FFS get us out of there!!!
Fucking hell.

Don't know about anyone else but am sick of hearing about the B-word, but will be so glad when we finally leave it and let em all crack on with their unelected-suited-pretend-money-scheming-bureaucracy . ;)
10 July 2018
For various reasons, and especially because I get my politics-kicks enough outside the scene, but I didn’t want anyone to take my silence for lack of an opinion, so I’ll merely say ‘I disagree more than somewhat’ and leave it there, with an invitation for anyone who wants to discuss it to PM me.

Enjoy the thread : - )

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